Results for 'Joana Angélica Marques Pinheiro'

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  1.  25
    Aleitamento materno no bebê com cardiopatia congênita: a escuta da mãe.Joana Angélica Marques Pinheiro, Andressa Alencar Gondim, Letícia Neves, Thereza Maria Magalhaes Moreira & Vera Lúcia Mendes de Paula Pessoa - 2022 - Aletheia 55 (2):30-44.
    O ato de amamentar apresenta diversos benefícios tanto à mãe quanto ao bebê. No entanto, amamentar um bebê com cardiopatia requer inúmeros desafios. Este estudo tem o propósito de compreender a vivência do aleitamento materno de bebês com cardiopatia congênita e as propostas dos serviços de saúde à paciente com essas condições. Estudo descritivo, qualitativo, realizado por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com mães de bebês internados em hospital de referência em cardiopediatria. Utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo de Minayo, (...)
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    Embodiment of a virtual prosthesis through training using an EMG-based human-machine interface: Case series.Karina Aparecida Rodrigues, João Vitor da Silva Moreira, Daniel José Lins Leal Pinheiro, Rodrigo Lantyer Marques Dantas, Thaís Cardoso Santos, João Luiz Vieira Nepomuceno, Maria Angélica Ratier Jajah Nogueira, Esper Abrão Cavalheiro & Jean Faber - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:870103.
    Therapeutic strategies capable of inducing and enhancing prosthesis embodiment are a key point for better adaptation to and acceptance of prosthetic limbs. In this study, we developed a training protocol using an EMG-based human-machine interface that was applied in the preprosthetic rehabilitation phase of people with amputation. This is a case series with the objective of evaluating the induction and enhancement of the embodiment of a virtual prosthesis. Six men and a woman with unilateral transfemoral traumatic amputation without previous use (...)
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    A literatura no contexto da revolução estética concebida por Jacques Rancière.Nadier Pereira dos Santos & Joana Kelly Marques de Souza - 2016 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 13 (1):87-108.
    A partir da perspectiva dos três regimes de identificação das artes propostos por Jacques Rancière, a literatura ocupa um lugar central na superação do regime poético, ou representativo, pelo regime estético. Para Rancière, o realismo de escritores como Hugo, Balzac, Stendhal e Flaubert subverte as hierarquias e pressupostos normativos vigentes no regime poético das artes. A partir desses autores, qualquer assunto ou qualquer pessoa, isto é, pertencente a qualquer condição social, podem vir a ser tratados como objeto literário sério, o (...)
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    Verdade, Conhecimento e Ação. Ensaios em Homenagem a Guido Antônio de Almeida e Raul Landim Filho.Edgar Marques, Ethel Rocha, Marcos A. Gleizer, Lia Levy & Ulysses Pinheiro (eds.) - 1999 - São Paulo: Edições Loyola.
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    Improving access to community-based pulmonary rehabilitation: 3R protocol for real-world settings with cost-benefit analysis.Alda Marques, Cristina Jácome, Patrícia Rebelo, Cátia Paixão, Ana Oliveira, Joana Cruz, Célia Freitas, Marília Rua, Helena Loureiro, Cristina Peguinho, Fábio Marques, Adriana Simões, Madalena Santos, Paula Martins, Alexandra André, Sílvia De Francesco, Vitória Martins, Dina Brooks & Paula Simão - 2019 - BMC Public Health 19 (1):676.
    Pulmonary rehabilitation has demonstrated patients’ physiological and psychosocial improvements, symptoms reduction and health-economic benefits whilst enhances the ability of the whole family to adjust to illness. However, PR remains highly inaccessible due to lack of awareness of its benefits, poor referral and availability mostly in hospitals. Novel models of PR delivery are needed to enhance its implementation while maintaining cost-efficiency. We aim to implement an innovative community-based PR programme and assess its cost-benefit. A 12-week community-based PR will be implemented in (...)
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    (1 other version)O Estranho e o Oriente: Horizontes da Hermenêutica da Coexistência Cotidiana de Martin Heidegger.Bráulio Marques Rodrigues & Arnin Rommel Pinheiro Braga - 2022 - Complexitas – Revista de Filosofia Temática 1 (1).
    Já em Ser e Tempo (1927), Martin Heidegger enuncia como a tarefa do pensamento que corresponde a um modo de pensar que deve partir do diálogo imediato com outros, promovendo uma abertura cognitiva e hermenêutica que exercita uma nova forma de enxergar no pensamento. O objeto de interpretação neste trabalho é o poema O estranho, de Max Martins, no qual se busca enxergar como se dá essa relação com o outro onde o estranhamento pode ser característico de um encontro com (...)
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    Remote teaching practices and learning support during COVID-19 lockdowns in Portugal: Were there changes across time?Diana Alves, Sofia Marques, Joana Cruz, Sofia Abreu Mendes & Irene Cadime - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic challenged countries, regions, schools, and individuals. School closures due to lockdowns forced changes in the teaching practices and the learning support provided to children at home. This study aimed to provide insights on the changes between the first and the second lockdowns in Portugal, concerning remote teaching practices and family support to children's education. A self-report questionnaire was filled by 144 parents of third grade students. The results show that, between the two lockdowns, there was a significant (...)
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  8. Disagreeing in Context.Teresa Marques - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:1-12.
    This paper argues for contextualism about predicates of personal taste and evaluative predicates in general, and offers a proposal of how apparently resilient disagreements are to be explained. The present proposal is complementary to others that have been made in the recent literature. Several authors, for instance (López de Sa, 2008; Sundell, 2011; Huvenes, 2012; Marques and García-Carpintero, 2014; Marques, 2014a), have recently defended semantic contextualism for those kinds of predicates from the accusation that it faces the problem (...)
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  9. Falsity and Retraction: New Experimental Data on Epistemic Modals.Teresa Marques - 2024 - In Dan Zeman & Mihai Hîncu, Retraction Matters. New Developments in the Philosophy of Language. Springer. pp. 41-70.
    This paper gives experimental evidence against the claim that speakers’ intuitions support semantic relativism about assertions of epistemic modal sentences and uses this evidence as part of a broader argument against assessment relativism. It follows other papers that reach similar conclusions, such as that of Knobe and Yalcin (Semant Pragmat 7:1–21, 2014). Its results were achieved simultaneously and independently of the more recent work of Kneer (Perspectives on taste. Aesthetics, language, metaphysics, and experimental philosophy. Routledge, 2022). The experimental data in (...)
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  10. Disagreement about Taste: Commonality Presuppositions and Coordination.Teresa Marques & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2014 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 92 (4):701-723.
    The paper confronts the disagreement argument for relativism about matters of taste, defending a specific form of contextualism. It is first considered whether the disagreement data might manifest an inviariantist attitude speakers pre-reflectively have. Semantic and ontological enlightenment should then make the impressions of disagreement vanish, or at least leave them as lingering ineffectual Müller-Lyer-like illusions; but it is granted to relativists that this does not fully happen. López de Sa’s appeal to presuppositions of commonality and Sundell’s appeal to metalinguistic (...)
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  11.  40
    ¿Cómo hacer metafísica después de Heidegger y Quine?Alfonso García Marqués - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:149-159.
    El presente texto se articula en tres partes. En la primera, se reseña que la metafísica en el siglo XX ha sufrido una crisis que ha llevado a considerarla una disciplina muerta, una quimera. La crítica realizada por la filosofía analítica –concretada aquí en Quine– y por Heidegger ha concluido en que la metafísica es imposible, un absurdo. En la segunda parte, se analiza qué metafísica o, mejor, cuál es la idea de metafísica que Quine y Heidegger tenían y contra (...)
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    Memory, autonoetic consciousness, and the self.Hans J. Markowitsch & Angelica Staniloiu - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (1):16-39.
    Memory is a general attribute of living species, whose diversification reflects both evolutionary and developmental processes. Episodic-autobiographical memory is regarded as the highest human ontogenetic achievement and as probably being uniquely human. EAM, autonoetic consciousness and the self are intimately linked, grounding, supporting and enriching each other’s development and cohesiveness. Their development is influenced by the socio-cultural–linguistic environment in which an individual grows up or lives. On the other hand, through language, textualization and social exchange, all three elements leak into (...)
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  13. Perception in the mirror: the influence of self-beliefs.Antonella Tramacere & Angelica Kaufmann - 2025 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1.
    Mirrors are more than reflective surfaces; they are portals to self-perception influenced by a tapestry of developmental, psychological, and cultural factors. In this paper, we explore the interplay between these factors by investigating the effect of beliefs on mirror images and clarifying how negative self-perception develops. We analyse the phenomenon of mirror self-recognition and the development of beliefs about oneself, attempting to clarify how emotionally charged beliefs could influence our experience with the mirror. Our proposal offers insights into body dysmorphia (...)
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  14. Amelioration vs. Perversion.Teresa Marques - 2020 - In Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss, Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Words change meaning, usually in unpredictable ways. But some words’ meanings are revised intentionally. Revisionary projects are normally put forward in the service of some purpose – some serve specific goals of inquiry, and others serve ethical, political or social aims. Revisionist projects can ameliorate meanings, but they can also pervert. In this paper, I want to draw attention to the dangers of meaning perversions, and argue that the self-declared goodness of a revisionist project doesn’t suffice to avoid meaning perversions. (...)
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  15. Retractions.Teresa Marques - 2018 - Synthese 195 (8):3335-3359.
    Intuitions about retractions have been used to motivate truth relativism about certain types of claims. Among these figure epistemic modals, knowledge attributions, or personal taste claims. On MacFarlane’s prominent relativist proposal, sentences like “the ice cream might be in the freezer” or “Pocoyo is funny” are only assigned a truth-value relative to contexts of utterance and contexts of assessment. Retractions play a crucial role in the argument for assessment-relativism. A retraction of a past assertion is supposed to be mandatory whenever (...)
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  16. Doxastic Disagreement.Teresa Marques - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S1):121-142.
    This paper explores some alternative accounts of doxastic disagreement, and shows what problems each faces. It offers an account of doxastic disagreement that results from the incompatibility of the content of doxastic attitudes, even when that content’s truth is relativized. On the best definition possible, it is argued, neither non-indexical contextualism nor assessment-relativism have an advantage over contextualism. The conclusion is that conflicts that arise from the incompatibility (at the same world) of the content of given doxastic attitudes cannot be (...)
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  17.  50
    Validation of the Spanish Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire through Rasch Analysis.Angélica Garzón Umerenkova, Jesús de la Fuente Arias, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Lucía Zapata Sevillano, Mari Carmen Pichardo & Ana Belén García-Berbén - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  18. Really expressive presuppositions and how to block them.Teresa Marques & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2020 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 97 (1):138-158.
    Kaplan (1999) argued that a different dimension of expressive meaning (“use-conditional”, as opposed to truth-conditional) is required to characterize the meaning of pejoratives, including slurs and racial epithets. Elaborating on this, writers have argued that the expressive meaning of pejoratives and slurs is either a conventional implicature (Potts 2007) or a presupposition (Macià 2002 and 2014, Schlenker 2007, Cepollaro and Stojanovic 2016). We argue that an expressive presuppositional theory accounts well for the data, but that expressive presuppositions are not just (...)
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  19. Compassionate care: a moral dimension of nursing.Erich Von Dietze & Angelica Orb - 2000 - Nursing Inquiry 7 (3):166-174.
    Compassionate care: a moral dimension of nursingThis paper focuses on the concept of compassion and its meaning for nursing practice. Compassion is often considered to be an essential component of nursing care; however, it is difficult to identify what exactly comprises compassionate care. To begin with, there is a general discussion of the meaning of compassion and an examination of its common usage. An argument then is presented that compassion is more than just a natural response to suffering, rather that (...)
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    Touching you, touching me: Higher incidence of mirror-touch synaesthesia and positive (but not negative) reactions to social touch in Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response.Helge Gillmeister, Angelica Succi, Vincenzo Romei & Giulia L. Poerio - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 103 (C):103380.
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  21. What metalinguistic negotiations can't do.Teresa Marques - 2017 - Phenomenology and Mind (12):40-48.
    Philosophers of language and metaethicists are concerned with persistent normative and evaluative disagreements – how can we explain persistent intelligible disagreements in spite of agreement over the described facts? Tim Sundell recently argued that evaluative aesthetic and personal taste disputes could be explained as metalinguistic negotiations – conversations where interlocutors negotiate how best to use a word relative to a context. I argue here that metalinguistic negotiations are neither necessary nor sufficient for genuine evaluative and normative disputes to occur. A (...)
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  22. A Linear Empirical Model of Self-Regulation on Flourishing, Health, Procrastination, and Achievement, Among University Students.Angélica Garzón-Umerenkova, Jesús de la Fuente, Jorge Amate, Paola V. Paoloni, Salvatore Fadda & Javier Fiz Pérez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  23.  36
    A Kantian foundation for welfare rights.Alice Pinheiro Walla - 2019 - Jurisprudence 11 (1):76-91.
    In this article, I offer a foundation for the prima facie idea of a right to welfare based on a neglected aspect of Kant’s legal theory: his account of equity rights. I argue...
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  24. Relative Correctness.Teresa Marques - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (2):361-373.
    John MacFarlane defends a radical form of truth relativism that makes the truth of assertions relative not only to contexts of utterance but also to contexts of assessment, or perspectives. Making sense of assessment-sensitive truth is a matter of making sense of the normative commitments undertaken by speakers in using assessment sensitive sentences. This paper argues against the possibility of making sense of such a practice. Evans raised a challenge to the coherence of relative truth. A modification of the challenge (...)
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    Presentación del número especial.María Angélica Fierro & Andrea Lozano Vásquez - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (2):9-14.
    El presente número especial de Circe reúne trabajos inspirados en exposiciones realizadas en el “III Workshop Internacional de Filosofía Antigua” en el marco del PIP “La concepción de philosophía en Platón y sus desarrollos en el pensamiento helenístico”, Instituto de Filosofía dirigido por la Dra. María Angélica Fierro.
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    Dios como condición de la racionalidad según E. Husserl.Alfonso García Marqués - 1992 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:125-138.
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    (1 other version)Observações críticas acerca da noção Leibniziana de decretos divinos possíveis.Edgar Marques - 2001 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 42 (104):97-112.
    Este artigo apresenta, em primeiro lugar, uma reconstrução conceitual das razões que levam Leibniz, em sua correspondência com Arnauld, a introduzir o conceito de decretos divinos possíveis. Em um segundo momento, o artigo desenvolve alguns argumentos para demonstrar que a introdução desse conceito torna inconsistente a arquitetônica global da metafísica leibniziana.
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  28. Poder, expertise acadêmica, barbárie: o Projeto Manhattan e o sentido da educação.Bárbara Romeika Rodrigues Marques - 2024 - Revista Digital de Ensino de Filosofia - REFilo 10 (1):6-1.
    O que a experiência do Projeto Manhattan (1942-1946), a bilionária mobilização norte-americana para o desenvolvimento de armas nucleares, dá a pensar sobre o sentido da educação? O que um projeto de pesquisa e desenvolvimento circunscrito na razão-domínio tem a revelar da relação entre poder, saber acadêmico e barbárie? Este texto problematiza a relação entre a racionalidade instrumentalizada e a educação no mundo moderno e, para tal, discute a expertise científica e acadêmica na composição do Projeto Manhattan. Destaca as ruínas da (...)
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    Diferentes tipos de decisões e um experimento sobre a geração inconsciente de decisões livres: uma análise conceitual.Beatriz Sorrentino Marques - 2015 - Filosofia Unisinos 16 (1).
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  30. Leonardo Coimbra e a escola única.Marques Teixeira - 1961 - Porto: [Maranus].
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  31. Aesthetic Predicates: A Hybrid Dispositional Account.Teresa Marques - 2016 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 59 (6):723-751, doi:10.1080/0020174X.20.
    This paper explores the possibility of developing a hybrid version of dispositional theories of aesthetic values. On such a theory, uses of aesthetic predicates express relational second-order dispositional properties. If the theory is not absolutist, it allows for the relativity of aesthetic values. But it may be objected to on the grounds that it fails to explain disagreement among subjects who are not disposed alike. This paper explores the possibility of adapting recent proposals of hybrid expressivist theories for moral predicates (...)
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  32. Disagreement with a bald‐faced liar.Teresa Marques - 2020 - Ratio 33 (4):255-268.
    How can we disagree with a bald-faced liar? Can we actively disagree if it is common ground that the speaker has no intent to deceive? And why do we disapprove of bald-faced liars so strongly? Bald-faced lies pose problems for accounts of lying and of assertion. Recent proposals try to defuse those problems by arguing that bald-faced lies are not really assertions, but rather performances of fiction-like scripts, or different types of language games. In this paper, I raise two objections (...)
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  33. Shifting Concepts: The Philosophy and Psychology of Conceptual Variability.Teresa Marques & Åsa Wikforss (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Concepts stand at the centre of human cognition. We use concepts in categorizing objects and events in the world, in reasoning and action, and in social interaction. It is therefore not surprising that the study of concepts constitutes a central area of research in philosophy and psychology, yet only recently have the two disciplines developed greater interaction. Recent experiments in psychology that test the role of concepts in categorizing and reasoning have found a great deal of variation, across individuals and (...)
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  34.  31
    Does Music Training Improve Emotion Recognition Abilities? A Critical Review.Marta Martins, Ana P. Pinheiro & César F. Lima - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (3):199-210.
    There is widespread interest in the possibility that music training enhances nonmusical abilities. This possibility has been examined primarily for speech perception and domain-general abilities su...
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  35. The relevance of causal social construction.Teresa Marques - 2017 - Journal of Social Ontology 3 (1):DOI: 10.1515/jso-2016-0018.
    Social constructionist claims are surprising and interesting when they entail that presumably natural kinds are in fact socially constructed. The claims are interesting because of their theoretical and political importance. Authors like Díaz-León argue that constitutive social construction is more relevant for achieving social justice than causal social construction. This paper challenges this claim. Assuming there are socially salient groups that are discriminated against, the paper presents a dilemma: if there were no constitutively constructed social kinds, the causes of the (...)
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  36. The expression of hate in hate speech.Teresa Marques - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 ((5)):769-78.
    In this paper, I argue that hate speech expresses hate, and answer some objections to expressivist views. First, I briefly comment on some limitations of pragmatic accounts of harmful speech. I then present an expressive-normative view of derogatory discourse according to which it is expressive of an affective state by presupposing it. A linguistic act expressive of an affective state inherits the normativity that is constitutive of that state, as directed to its intentional object. If the act is successful, it (...)
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    Norm conflict identification in contracts.João Paulo Aires, Daniele Pinheiro, Vera Strube de Lima & Felipe Meneguzzi - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 25 (4):397-428.
    The exchange of goods and services between individuals is often formalised by a contract in which the parties establish norms to define what is expected of each one. Norms use deontic statements of obligation, prohibition, and permission, which may be in conflict. The task of manually detecting norm conflicts can be time–consuming and error-prone since contracts can be vast and complex. To automate such tasks, we develop an approach to identify potential conflicts between norms. We show the effectiveness of our (...)
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  38. On degrees of unsolvability and complexity properties.Ivan Marques - 1975 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 40 (4):529-540.
  39. The Case against Semantic Relativism.Teresa Marques - 2019 - In Martin Kusch, The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Relativism. Routledge.
    This paper presents reasons against semantic relativism. Semantic relativism is motivated by intuitions that are presumed to raise problems for traditional or contextualist semantics in contested domains of discourse. Intuition-based arguments are those based on competent speakers’ putative intuitions about seeming faultless disagreement, eavesdropper, and retraction cases. I will organize the discussion in three parts. First, I shall provide a brief introduction to the intuition-based arguments offered in favor of semantic relativism. Second, I shall indicate that there are ways for (...)
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    —10—Teresa Marques Truth and the Ambiguity of Negation.Teresa Marques - 2010 - In Erich Rast & Luiz Carlos Baptista, Meaning and Context. Peter Lang. pp. 2--235.
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    Is the sunny side up and the dark side down? Effects of stimulus type and valence on a spatial detection task.Maria Amorim & Ana P. Pinheiro - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):346-360.
    ABSTRACTIn verbal communication, affective information is commonly conveyed to others through spatial terms. This study used a target location discrimination task with neutral, positive and negative stimuli to test the automaticity of the emotion-space association, both in the vertical and horizontal spatial axes. The effects of stimulus type on emotion-space representations were also probed. A congruency effect was observed in the vertical axis: detection of upper targets preceded by positive stimuli was faster. This effect occurred for all stimulus types, indicating (...)
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    Task Allocation in Distributed Software Development: A Systematic Literature Review.Marum Simão Filho, Plácido R. Pinheiro, Adriano B. Albuquerque & Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-13.
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    Popperian Hayek or Hayekian Popper?Joao Pinheiro da Silva - 2021 - Economic Thought 10 (1):46.
    Friedrich Hayek was a fervent advocate of the methodological specificity of the social sciences. However, given his contact with Karl Popper, several historians and philosophers have characterized his final position as Popperian, that is, a position that would have accepted the unity of scientific method. A closer look at Hayek's philosophy and Popper's own intellectual course shows that such a thesis is based on misconceptions that can be overcome by taking the Hayekian concept of 'spontaneous order' as the foundation of (...)
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    Anthony Kronman on the Virtue of Practical Wisdom.Carlos Silva Marques - 2002 - Ratio Juris 15 (3):328-340.
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    Anne Revillard, La Cause des femmes dans l’État. Une comparaison France-Québec.Bérengère Marques-Pereira - 2017 - Clio 45.
    Comment l’État peut-il penser la cause des femmes? Telle est la question de recherche que pose Anne Revillard dans son ouvrage intitulé La cause des femmes dans l’État. Une comparaison France-Québec. Son objectif n’est pas de considérer l’État dans son ensemble, mais plutôt de « comprendre ce que signifie défendre la cause des femmes au sein des institutions étatiques spécifiquement chargées de cette mission » (p. 16). Cette étude montre comment des institutions gouvernementales consultative...
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    Biodiversidades étnicas e ancestralidades: ontologias indígenas e ética para futuros sustentáveis.Regina Suama Ngola Marques - 2023 - Odeere 8 (3):119-139.
    Neste ensaio observamos que a biodiversidade é a multiplicidade de recursos existentes no contexto da vida da natureza do planeta Terra. Ela implica também a presença do elemento humano e sua condição étnica que é também, no mundo globalizado, étnico racial. A vida humana a partir das ancestralidades étnicas nos indicam que o caminho para um futuro sustentável sempre foi protagonizado por populações indígenas, povos das florestas, tradicionais e quilombolas. Estas civilizações humanas, indígenas, ribeirinhos, população do campo e da floresta, (...)
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  47. Comentários sobre a perspectiva do conceito de “superação” no aforismo I Das notas heideggerianas intitulaDas superação da metafísica.Victor Hugo de Oliveira Marques - 2017 - Synesis 9 (2):78-93.
    O presente artigo é uma discussão sobre a noção heideggeriana de Überwindung. Seu objetivo é duplo: por um lado, [1] mostrar a perspectiva que tal termo deve ser compreendido; por outro, [2] aprofundar esta perspectiva à luz de comentários ao aforismo I do texto Überwindung der Metaphysik. Para tanto, duas questões são postas: em que perspectiva e que questões estão implícitas quando Heidegger propõe o projeto da Überwindung der Metaphysik?; e por que uma Überwindung contém em si tantos problemas? De (...)
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    Devir na escola: Quando O cotidiano nos mostra possibilidades de encaixes do tempo.Luciana Marques & Alan Jesus - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (58):771-796.
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  49.  23
    De Ser e Tempo aos Beiträge zur Philosophie.Jordino Marques - 1998 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 3 (2):14-28.
    O autor procura desenvolver a relação existente essas duas obras,levando em conta que o próprio Heidegger manifestara um desejo de que os Beiträge zur Philosophie fossem sua segunda obra mais importante, já que, atrávés dela, esclarecem-se muitas orientações que em Ser e Tempo foram apenas indicadas. .
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  50.  11
    Editorial - Dossiê: Conferência de Puebla: 40 anos.Luiz Carlos Luz Marques - forthcoming - Horizonte:1381-1381.
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